EUR JPY Live Analysis provides the latest technical analysis of the EUR/JPY (Euro /Japanese Yen). You may find the analysis on a daily basis with forecasts for the global daily trend. You may also find live updates around the clock if any major changes occur in the currency pair.

EUR/JPY price - Last update: 2024-04-29 00:50AM UTC
EURJPY Price Analysis Expected Scenario The EURJPY pair formed new bullish rally yesterday, taking advantage of the positive momentum caused by stochastic consolidation within the ...
EURJPY Pair Analysis The EURJPY pair succeeded to resume the bullish attack since this morning by surpassing the additional target at 166.45, to notice its fluctuation near key resistance line at ...
EURJPY Price Analysis Expected Scenario The EURJPY pair didn’t get enough of reaching the targeted resistance line mentioned in our previous report at 165.70, to notice its affect by ...
EURJPY Pair Price Analysis Expected Scenario No change to the EURJPY pair’s bullish track until this moment, as it provides frequent closings above the additional support 164.00, to ...
EURJPY Pair Price Analysis Expected Scenario The EURJPY pair started to gain positive momentum since providing many positive closings above the MA55 at 164.00, forming additional support ...
EURJPY Pair Analysis Expected Scenario Despite strong negative pressures this morning due to global tensions, the EURJPY pair managed to close positively above the additional support at ...
EURJPY Pair Price Analysis Expected Scenario The EURJPY pair formed more bullish waves yesterday, pressing on the 164.80 obstacle. Stochastic reaching overbought areas confirms the ...
Expected Scenarios Despite recent weak trades, the EURJPY pair shows frequent stability above the MA55. MA55 forms additional support now at 163.70. Stochastic attempt to provide positive ...
EURJPY Price Analysis Expected Scenario The EURJPY pair rallied upwards yesterday to achieve some gains by touching 164.42 level. Followed by forming temporary negative rebound and test ...
Scenarios and Trading Range The EURJPY pair achieved the negative targets on last Friday by touching 162.20 level, to form new support and manage to cover the losses by forming strong bullish ...